
jueves, agosto 21, 2014

New Trends in Contemporary Latin American Narrative

New Trends in Contemporary Latin American Narrative

Post-National Literatures and the Canon

Publication DateAugust 2014
FormatsEbook (EPUB) Hardcover Ebook (PDF) 
PublisherPalgrave Macmillan
Series Literatures of the Americas

Examining a rich new generation of Latin American writers, this timely collection offers new perspectives on the current status of Latin American literature in the age of globalization. Essays examine the anthology McOndo, which rejected magical realism as the primary literary mode of Latin America, and the Crack group, which argued for a return to more complex narrative, as turning points for Latin American narratives and for a new generation of authors. Instead of perpetuating the simple blueprint of Postboom magical realism, this volume argues that the authors studied in here combine social preoccupations, such as drug trafficking, with aesthetic ones. In many cases, authors like the Crack group members, Roberto Bolaño, Rodrigo Fresán, Evelio Rosero, or Ena Lucía Portela, directly dialogue with the Boom authors while other authors, like Diego Trelles Paz or Yolanda Arroyo, utilize new technologies to create dynamic creative projects.

Table of Contents
Introduction: Posnacionalistas: Tradition and New Writing in Latin America; Timothy R. Robbins and José Eduardo González
1. From the Mexican Onda to McOndo: The Shifting Ideology of Mass Culture; Timothy R. Robbins
2. Bolaño and the Canon; Ricardo Gutiérrez Mouat
3. CRACK and Contemporary Latin American Narrative: An Introductory Study; Tomás Regalado López
4. Deep Literature and Dirty Realism: Rupture and Continuity in the Canon; Gerardo Cruz-Grunerth
5. The Historical and Geographical Imagination in Recent Argentine Fiction: Rodrigo Fresán and the DNA of a Globalized Writer; Emilse B. Hidalgo
6. An Impossible Witness of The Armies; Lotte Buiting
7. The Narco-Letrado: Intellectuals and Drug Trafficking in Darío Jaramillo Agudelo's Cartas cruzadas; Alberto Fonseca
8. The Reader as Translator: Rewriting the Past in Contemporary Latin American Fiction; Janet Hendrickson
9. Multiple Names and Temporal Superpositions: Yolanda Arroyo Pizarro's and Diego Trelles' Digital Poetics; Eduard Arriaga-Arango
10. Of Hurricanes and Tempests: Ena Lucía Portela's Text as a Non-Tourist Destination; José Eduardo González

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